Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Best Family Picture Ever Taken


Well, here it is.  The only family picture my family has at Marshall's graduation.  

Over on the far left we have Paige, who looks extremely beyond bored.  Typical for Paige and Marshall's graduation.  It seems anything that has to do with Marshall, she hates.  She claims that the sun was in her eyes...but...the sun was in all of our eyes.  She was just miserable.

Next to Paige, we have my Dad.  He too looks kind of bored.  He never really smiles in pictures though.  Perhaps he is smiling and we just can't see because of his thick beard cover...It will forever be a mystery.

Then there's Marshall.  The happy grad.  Tallest one in the fam- it's freakish really!  He was thrilled to have an entire day dedicated to and focused completely on him.  You see he loves to be the center of attention, and to have a whole day all about him must have been wonderful :)

And then HIDING behind me is my way cool mom.  I don't know why she's hiding.  I think it's the best part of this picture actually.  She's not really even in the picture, save her her little blonde puffy head poking in to grin a little.  And of coarse she's hugging me from behind to add to the weirdness of this picture.

And last, but certainly not least, there's me.  I totally look like a spaz.  I was making a cheezy smile just for fun, just cuz that's who I am, and the sun was in my eyes so the two combined make me look like I'm "special".  

All in all, I think it's the best family picture ever.  Don't you think?
The day before this picture, it snowed.  And it was bloody hot that day!  Weird Utah!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tara!! I love this picture and your explanation. SO HILARIOUS!! We need to hang out again. I miss your face!!
