Dear Unnamed,
It's too bad that we're not that close anymore. We had some really good times and, it's sad that things are different now. I'm happy you're happy but, like a part of me always knew, I was never quite as important to you as you were to me. I'm just second best. Or maybe even third or fourth. Probably even fifth. You barely even talk to me anymore. It makes me sad. I bet if you read this, you probably wouldn't even change anything. That's the way things are, or how they usually end up in my life. It's okay though, I can hold my own, I don't need you or anything. But we did have some good laughs and good times. I have some good memories with you, really good ones. I care about you, I would die for you even, would you do the same for me? Your fifth choice friend? I know I'm not as cool as you are now, I knew when "it" happened to you, you were going to slowly fade from me, and now it's happened. I knew it was coming, but it still hurts a little. It's okay though, like I said, I can hold my own.
Well, I miss you, and love you.
Love, Tara
Tara, this makes me sad. :(