Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wolf Pack (The Crazy Roomies)

Here they are!

Here is our only All-Six-Roommate picture.  Starting from the left we have the infamous Sandra Bullock look a like, otherwise known as my sister, Paige.  Then the cute little brunette with a flour mustache is the only Manisha (pronounced, Muh-neesh-uh, without the black swagga', or with it, whatever).  Then the toehead, that's Whitney.  She's like my albino sister from another mister haha.  Then me, with the Ute T-shirt on (because I'm a rebel like that).  Then in the running shorts, that's Lauren.  She's.....*no comment*.  Just kidding, she's such a party, she's way fun and she and her sister Meredith (the photobomber in the front) have hilarious southern accents cuz they're from Georgia.  Love them!!

So, there you have it.  The Wolf Pack- ahooooooo!

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