Saturday, October 16, 2010

Me, Reid, and Nat

Ok so here's a picture of me and some friends.  On my right, your left, is Natalie.  She's my bestie forever!!  This picture was taken on HER 21st birthday.  We went out to eat with a bunch of random people, that were her friends.  That's who is sitting to her right, her friend Jessica and her husband.  This day was so much fun, and sooo stressful!  You see, I was planning a surprise party for her while all this was happening.  I was texting people making sure things were going smoothly, and they were all getting to her apartment ok.  Oh, it was so stressful.  Everything turned out fine though, and she was surprised!  It was a lot of fun, she loved it :)  To my left, your right, is Reid.  He's a way fun friend!!  I met him through Natalie.  He works at the UVU food court and he's a manager there.  He's very funny and always talks in a monotone voice, I love it!  haha.  so that's a couple of my friends, Natalie and Reid.  :)

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