Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something I'm Proud of In the Last Few Days

Hm....What have I become proud of.

Let's see....number one....oh yes.  I'm VERY proud of my best friend for deciding to go on a mission.  That makes me proud.

1. Natalie's going on a mission.

yep that's her, on the right.  She's gonna be a servant of the good Lord!  :) :) :)

Let's thing that I'm proud, I turned 21 this week!!  So now I can gamble, and drink, and get into clubs!  I can pretty much do anything but rent a car!

Another thing that I'm proud of is....that I'm a Mormon!  I love being Mormon it's the best part of my life.  Without the church...I don't know who I would be.  And obviously I have been proud to be a Mormon for more that just this week. 

This picture is great too.  "I can't....I'm Mormon."  We just have standards!  And they're great.  I actually really want this shirt, I think it would be hilarious! :)

Anyway, that's it for this post.


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